Category Archives: Updates
Clear Eyes Today
When I got up this morning I could see that Alice’s eyes were clear again. Will not be long before the shed now
Waiting On The Shed
Will not be much to report until Alice sheds. She has been in her hide of the cooler side of her habitat since I fed her Tuesday. I am hoping she will shed before I start my work week. I … Continue reading
Alice At Play
My wife took a few pictures of Alice while I had her out last Monday. Her scales are getting a little darker right now as she is starting to go into a shed cycle. I fed her on Tuesday.
I Know I Just Ate, But ………..
Alice always has to check and see if “daddy” has anything else to feed her. Another website I was reading referred to Bull Snakes as vacuum cleaners when it comes to eating. This is my first Bull Snake, and that … Continue reading
4.5 Feet And Growing
Fed Alice her usual small rat and large mouse on Tuesday. She was in a great mood on Monday and Tuesday and I did not get any of the vocals from the prior week. Also, if you get Animal Planet, … Continue reading
Grumpy Snake
Alice was extra grumpy today. She was really active and I decided I would go ahead and get her out for a little while. Most likely she was just hungry and wanted to be fed early. The entire time I … Continue reading
Feeding Time Notes
There are so many things about reptiles that I love and snakes in particular. The feeding behavior is a good example. I got Alice out yesterday to feed her. More accurately, she crawled up my arm and I lifted her … Continue reading
Here’s Looking At You, Kid
Here are a couple of the pictures my wife took of Alice Saturday while I was still at work.
Well …. I Can See One End
Alice checked out fine. It seems she just felt like soaking the other day and it had nothing to do with a parasites. After feeding her today she spent a little while on the “hot” side and then came back … Continue reading
Alice has been soaking in her water bowl this morning. I have never seen her do anything more than drink or crawl through it before. I am going to give her a more thorough exam for mites today.